
Winter Vacation Pt 4

I hope you are reading these in order starting with Winter Vacation Pt 1. It will make a better read, unless you like Tarantino films or "Memento". We crashed hard that night and got up some time around 10 or 11 AM. We decided to make breakfast a cheap one and ended up eating at a diner down the street. After breakfast we braved the cold bitter wind and went down Broadway towards Times Square checking out all the shops. Some of the highlights of our shopping endeavor included some ties from H&M, and a mini shopping spree at American Apparel. They were advertising that intimates were half off. When I got there I was a little disappointed when I realized they meant the price was half off. I picked up some hot intimates for myself. I was inspired by none other than my role model Jemaine.

I also got a nice helvetica tee. If you haven't seen the helvetica documentary, I suggest you check it out when you have an hour and a half.

For dinner we decided to keep it cheap again and hit up my favorite South of the Border type fast food joint, Baja Fresh. I got us 2 chicken fajita burritos enchilada style and a bucket of Coronitas.

We didn't drink enough for an affective "liquid jacket". This is due to the fact that we consumed well over 2 pounds of awesome. The awesome beat out the booze in this fight. Terminal 5 is located right off the water. The wind made it so cold I contemplated starting a fire while we waited in line to get in. I liked the layout of Terminal 5. It was a large venue similar to the Electric Factory, but it had a 3rd floor. We parked ourselves next to the VIP section in hopes to get some pictures with the Ed Banger crew. By the time we got in Breakbot was already playing his set. Followed by DJ Mehdi, special guest set by A-trak, 10 minutes of Feadz and 2 songs with Uffie, Busy P (longest set), then finally Justice (DJ Set). It looked like everyone was using 2-3 CDJ's except for A-trak. DJ Mehdi's set was similar to the one he played the night before at Santos. Uffie was trashed and was slurring her speech on stage. A-trak's set was great playing our favorite remix to Heads Will Roll by the Yeah Yeah Yeah's. Then he did his robot rock bit.

I love Justice, but they are much better with their live show than as DJ's. The kids there, and I do mean kids, were probably expecting a live show. They didn't know most of the music that was played that night and only got up and danced/jumped to the popular Justice tracks or Daft Punk Tracks. A-trak had the crowd eating out of his hand when he was playing Electronic Dance Music for the first part of his set. Then he went into a hip hop set which led to his Robot Rock Juggle to end the set.

During the show I high-fived (is that still acceptable?) and got to greet/congratulate a few of the elite there. Feadz was mingling in the crowd the most and I would shake his hand or give him a high-five every time he walked by. Gaspard got another handshake from me, as well as A-trak. I congratulated A-trak on his awesome set and told him I was a big fan. After the show was over I saw Busy P in the street trying to catch a cab with the rest of the Ed Banger crew. I yelled, "Busy P!" and gave him a pat on the back. His hands were full with their enormous birthday cake. We were thinking of going to the afterparty, but at this point we were exhausted from all day walking/shopping/dancing/screaming. Apologies to DJ Cold Case, who came all the way up from DC that night to attend the afterparty, we couldn't make it.

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