
Music Video Weekend Special

I should probably make this a weekly thing. I'm gonna post up a bunch of music videos of songs I love. It may not be the "newest" song, but I like it and this is my blog.

Last night on the way to Kooma to see DJ Bis my wife, Serena, had made a mix cd for a friend that we listened to in the car. She put so many good songs on there. I had forgotten about how awesome these songs were. Since I have lost my ipod, I've only been listening to the latest songs on the blogshpere. I wish my wife could mix records, I would be her biggest fan. I'm gonna have to get Ableton and get her to lay down some mix tapes. So here are some of the songs from her mix cd she made.

Cold War Kids, "Audience Of One" from Vern Moen on Vimeo.


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