

Sorry to anyone who still reads this blog, or attempts to see if I've updated it. I've been pretty busy with work and haven't had time or was interested to blog. A lot of cool things are happening in the music circles I follow.

Things I noticed the past couple of days.

Diplo getting to endorse a blackberry. Points to both sides. But RIM... you guys are slacking. Android is taking over.

So Me made a video for Duck Sauce. Its essentially a well edited shout out to Fools Gold fam, sad to say I didn't see Catchdubs. His part must have been cut to insert a few seconds of Kanye. Who cares about Kanye? facepalm

Duck Sauce "Barbra Streisand" from Mr Goldbar on Vimeo.

Dirty South Joe and DJA made a killer mixtape

Blood Bros: First Blood by maddecent

Oh and Munchi is Amazing. Just look up anything of his on the internet. Start at soundcloud
